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Legal notices

The site www.favarger.com is produced by the company Chocolats & Cacaos FAVARGER S.A, a public limited company, whose head office is located at 2 chemin de la Chocolaterie, CH-1290 Versoix, Switzerland

Persons who access the information made available by FAVARGER SA on its website accept the rules contained in these legal notices.

FAVARGER strives to ensure to the best of its ability, the accuracy and updating of the information published on this site, which it reserves the right to correct, at any time and without notice, the content. However, FAVARGER does not guarantee the accuracy, precision or completeness of the information made available on this site.

In particular, FAVARGER declines any responsibility:

- for any interruption of the site, whatever the cause;

- for any inaccuracy or omission relating to information available on the site;

- for any damage resulting from a fraudulent intrusion by a third party resulting in a modification of the information made available on the site;

- more generally, for any direct and indirect damage, whatever the causes, origins, nature or consequences, including in particular the costs that may arise from the acquisition of goods offered on the loss of profits, customers, data or any other loss of intangible property that may occur because of anyone's access to the site or the impossibility of accessing it or the credit granted to any information coming directly or indirectly from the latter.


FAVARGER is committed to preserving the confidentiality of any information provided online by the Internet user. As such, the Internet user has a right of access, rectification and deletion of personal information concerning him that he can exercise at any time by sending a letter to the address of the company.


The site may include links to other Internet sites or resources. Since FAVARGER cannot control these external sites and sources, FAVARGER cannot be held responsible for the provision of these external sites and sources, and cannot bear any responsibility for the content, advertisements, products, services or any other material available on or from these external sites or sources. In addition, FAVARGER cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss proven or alleged consecutive or in connection with the use or the fact of having trusted the content, goods or services available on these sites or sources. external.


The site as well as any software necessarily used in connection with it may contain confidential information and protected by the intellectual property law in force or any other law. Thus, unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property rights on the documents contained on the site and each of the elements created for this site are the exclusive property of FAVARGER, the latter not granting any license or any other right than that of consulting the site. Reproduction of all documents published on the site is only authorized for information purposes for personal and private use only, any reproduction and any use of copies made for other purposes is expressly prohibited. It is also prohibited to copy, modify, create a derivative work, reverse the design or assembly or in any other way attempt to find the source code (except in cases provided for by law), sell, assign, under - license or transfer in any way whatsoever any right relating to software. Likewise, it is also prohibited to modify the software or to use modified versions of the software, this in particular with a view to obtaining unauthorized access to the service and accessing the site by any means other than through the interface which is provided to you by FAVARGER for this purpose.